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Mr. President, will you stand with physicians?

October 5, 2023

Recently, President Biden stood with the United Auto Workers members (9/26) on picket lines outside of Detroit and urged them to continue their fight for a fair and deserved 40% pay raise. The auto workers are also seeking a reduced workweek (32 hrs. vs. 40 hrs. per week), a shift back to traditional pensions, and several other options that they believe will restore cost-of-living adjustments.

Perhaps, what is more interesting is the fact that this is unprecedented in our times; a sitting president has never joined workers on the picket line.  The Commerce and the Auto Industry have been intertwined for a very long time, but what about other industries?

What about healthcare? When will every American be able to afford quality health care? 

Mark Isenberg, EVP of Healthcare Advocacy for Zotec Partners, addresses this issue and asks the President, “Will you stand with physicians?”
