How Automation and AI Can Best Support Revenue Cycle Teams, Improve Patient Collections and Maintain Patient Satisfaction

November 13, 2023

Revenue Cycle Management is a complex and time-consuming process for healthcare organizations that requires careful attention, deep expertise, and technology to yield successful results. As new advanced technologies surface, including artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and automation, the RCM process becomes even more efficient, accurate, and secure. Zotec Partners is always seeking to develop new technology to improve the way healthcare works, and why healthcare providers continue to explore and adopt new tools that create more robust billing operations for their business operations. Below we highlight how RCM optimization technologies can help healthcare organizations run more smoothly.

Streamlining Administrative Processes

Automation and AI technologies automate repetitive and manual tasks involved in revenue cycle management, such as data entry, claims processing, and payment posting. By reducing administrative burden, clinicians can focus more on patient interactions and providing personalized clinical support.

Enhancing Accuracy and Efficiency

AI algorithms analyze large volumes of data to identify patterns and trends, leading to improved accuracy in coding, billing, and claims submission. Zotec’s automated systems also flag potential errors or discrepancies, reducing the likelihood of billing mistakes and claim denials. This enables our revenue cycle teams to process claims faster and more accurately, resulting in improved collections for healthcare organizations.

Improving Patient Experience

Automation and AI tools enhance the patient experience by providing real-time access to billing information, personalized communication, and self-service options. The right technology handles common billing inquiries, freeing up staff to address more complex patient needs.

Zotec’s latest groundbreaking technology, the Zotec Intelligent Guarantor Outreach (ZiGO), increases collections and patient satisfaction in billing. ZiGO doesn’t use a standard linear approach to billing with an outreach cadence that treats every patient the same way, but instead applies intelligent algorithms and models, based on historical trends and data, and allows us to approach outreach in a patient-specific way.  We use AI technology to leverage historical trends and data from Zotec’s 185M patient transactions so we can determine the optimal outreach and next best action for each patient.  We then apply all learning to future outreach and continuously improve and optimize patient billing.  By offering convenient and transparent billing processes, patients feel more empowered and engaged in their healthcare journey.

Predictive Analytics for Financial Assistance

AI-powered predictive analytics identify patients who may be eligible for financial assistance programs or charity care. By proactively identifying these patients, revenue cycle teams can help them navigate the billing process, provide guidance on available options, and ensure that they receive the necessary financial support.

Real-Time Payment Tracking

Automation and AI facilitates real-time tracking of payments, allowing revenue cycle teams to monitor outstanding balances, identify late payments, and take appropriate actions promptly. This helps maintain cash flow, reduce accounts receivable days, and improve overall revenue cycle performance.

Personalized Financial Counseling

AI tools analyze patient data, including demographics and insurance coverage, to provide personalized financial counseling. Revenue cycle teams can leverage this information to educate patients about their financial responsibilities, estimate costs of care, and explore payment options. By offering tailored financial guidance, patients are more likely to understand their financial obligations and make timely payments.

Aside from patient-centric technology, today’s AI technology in RCM continues to round out the revenue cycle with more advanced options that not only address repetitive tasks such as claims filing, coding, and insurance verification, but also how clinicians are communicating with patients.

The patient financial experience continues to be as important as the clinical experience when it comes to patient satisfaction ratings, and the RCM process, specifically with new AI technologies integrated throughout, can address provider challenges, increase collections, and improve patient satisfaction.

If you’re ready to explore what advanced RCM optimization technologies can do for your healthcare organization, schedule a demonstration with one of our experts.

By: Brad Myers, SVP Business Development, Zotec Partners